Saturday, September 6, 2008

Party like a Rockstar, eh?

So after watching Palin speak this Wednesday my interest in this presidential race sky-rocketed. She was just a wow VP nominee and a fire-ball that I even went back and watched the Obama and Biden speeches. I looked for the supposed over-the-top flashy things that Obama was doing and really I didn't think it was all too much. So, as I was poking around looking for something to blog I went to my comfort news site The Florida Times-Union and saw the headline "Rocker Bon Jovi hosts Obama fundraiser." Interesting. The comedic mud-slinging by firery Palin didn't really change his rock-star mentality. The article also included, "He vowed to fight Republican attacks on his character," but it doesn't really seem like it.

Left: I think that the Obama-Biden PR team has done a really good job with their campaign and the spunk they have brought to the race. I do wonder, though, why they would continue on their rockstar path with someone like Bon Jovi and not take a counter-step and maybe harden their appeal a bit. I know mud-slinging is just that, mud-slinging, but for the serious political aspect I would think they would take the smallest chance to send a "boo-ya we're serious too" message to those people in the middle that may have perked their ears to Palin's tease. Does that make sense? Or should Obama stay true to his so-called rockstar mentality and keep the speakers cranked up in the Democratic Party?

Right: In terms of public relations I really think that the Republican party stepping outside of its' traditional male-only ticket and throwing a curve-ball with Palin was an awesome idea. She is smart, witty, motivated, and yeah... a woman. She's something this party hasn't really had and I'm interested to see where it goes. She is going to connect to those hockey-mom's and their lipstick as well as have an edge that men can stand behind. I just hope all the serious right-wingers can stand behind her too.


PJ Schinella said...

I would have to agree with you on the fact that the Obama campaign has done a great job promoting its "A Time for Change" slogan, the amusing about it is that everyone can tell you that its a time for change, but I have yet to actually meet someone who can tell me what is going to be changed.

By no means am I trying to downplay what Obama stands for or his supporters. I would just be able to respect someone who could actually tell me what he stands for. So as far as his PR strategy goes, if it ain't broke then why fix it. It has done well for him so far, only time will tell.

Ginger Carter Miller said...

Interesting...good examination of each side. But embed that URL!