Monday, September 22, 2008

These thing-a-ma-jiggers are handy!

We're all opening our eyes to how technology is changing not only the world in general but our world, the PR world. We have been MySpacing and Facebooking for years now, but now we're blogging, linking, tweeting and who knows what else as a requirement in class and really in our profession. So are these tools just helping us keep up with the Jones's, or are they making us lazy and no longer personal?

Our favorite Gluten-free professor attended a conference this weekend that spoke on the importance of knowing all these new technologies and correctly using them. Conferences on Facebookish things? Crazy. This article on Bad Pitch Blog talks about all the different tools for PR like press release graders, online news wires that send out those releases, and of course the several networking sites. 

I agree with this blog that these tools are absolutely amazing for their luxury assets, but I believe when it comes to meeting people a little hard work and effort to actually get out there is important. What would happen if Congress no longer met, they just opened a chat room? Ha ha how would someone create a filibuster? That could be interesting. Now I know that is a little extreme, however, who knows how far this technology is going to take us? I still think a smile, good eye contact, and a firm handshake is the best way to make a connection and I hope this isn't something of the past. 

The blog does discuss the importance of taking out a second to at least personalize the messages sent around sites. I believe this is crucial. How would you make a good first impression if you can't electronically crack a joke or throw out your best professional pick-up line? 

I hope that all these sites keep up professionalism too. It's hard for me not to type this blog 'n not use contractions 'cuz it isn't formal 'n they're my words. 


Ginger Carter Miller said...

Echos of what I said in Senior Seminar yesterday. And isn't that the greatest blog?

Chels said...

Absolutely. I'm going to have to start reading it more often... funny stuff.