Saturday, September 26, 2009

It's like I clicked my heels

You’re intrigued, right? You want to know exactly where I live in Houston, what it looks like, maybe even what my neighbors look like, right? Well lucky you!

I’ve always been a sort of Connector (yes, Dr. Carter, a Tipping Point reference). I’m pretty good at reading people, making connections with them and keeping those lines open. I also believe that people meet for a reason.

I know I briefly mentioned who I was living with, and a little about the how I found it, but let’s go into detail.

How I found where I’m living:

It pays not to be shy. Around the end of April, beginning of May, my parents were in Milledgeville watching some games, and helping me pack up my stuff to move to Houston. At this time, I hadn’t found out that I was being rolled over to the fall internship, so I was desperate to find somewhere.

I had just left lunch at the Pickle Barrel (man I miss that place), and for some odd reason decided to get my car washed at a GMC fundraiser going on down 441. If you know me, you know that “Teky” was only maybe washed six times in the six years I owned him, so stopping at this car wash was out-of-the-norm for me. I’ve always felt awkward sitting in a car while people are working on it, I feel like I’m in a fish bowl and everyone is staring in at me, so I decided to sit on the curb with the parents supervising the car wash instead.

I’m feeling pretty awkward, sitting by myself and watching these teens ferociously scrub my caked-on dirt, of course wearing a GCSU softball t-shirt. The lady behind me asks if I play for Georgia College, and we engage in friendly conversation. She asks the normal questions of a college conversation: hometown, year, major and plans for graduating. I eventually explained that I was waiting to hear back from the Houston Astros about an internship, and that I would hopefully be moving there this summer.

“Oh! I have two sisters that live in Houston,” she said so sweetly with her Georgia accent. “Have you found some place to live?”

Well, no. I sure haven’t.

That’s pretty much the story. We exchanged numbers, information and I even had my dad drop into get his truck washed. When I got the call from Houston saying no for the summer, but probably for the fall, I called her and let her know so that she could warn her sister.

And here I am. Living in her sis

I’m living just outside of Houston, about 20 miles. As you see from the pictures of traffic, it takes a lot longer to get to the stadium than the distance I am from it.

Like I mentioned, I’m living with the sister’s husband, while the wife and three kids live in Los Angeles for the summer. Their son is on a Disney show, and the other two kids are trying to break into the acting-scene daily. I didn’t meet him until I pulled into his driveway with my stuffed car, ready to start my next adventure. I help him around the house while the family is gone.

It’s out in the middle of nowhere (after driving down a highway I turn at a hazard light, then onto a country road) on about a 15 acre spread. It’s a nice house, and really has everything I could have wanted. All I was really looking for was a bed, and I got much more!

To think, I was just sitting on a curb in Milledgeville, Georgia getting my car washed, and all this happened. Everything happens for a reason. Who you meet, who you engage and who you remember may lead to something you never saw coming. I’m going to steal a status from Facebook that I just read… it fits way too perfectly into my conclusion.

I believe we write our own stories and each time we think we know the end, we don't. Perhaps luck exists somewhere between the world of planning, of chance and in the peace that comes from knowing that you just can't know it all. Life's funny that way… once you let go of the wheel, you might end up right where you belong.

We have a peacock!
I was washing dishes one day and saw these guys eating breakfast (note the two horse bending down in the bottom right corner).

Then I walked into the living room and bro was checkin' out my morning routine!

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